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So far venting-admin has created 8 blog entries.

UVCpectra Product Range

Fresh Air is gaining as much importance as hand washing, clean water etc. It cannot be neglected in Total Hygiene Concepts. Viruses have been proven to be transported by air. Niels Ryberg Finsen (1860-1904) becomes the first person to use UV rays in the treatment of diseases. UV-C was used in 1908 to disinfect

UVCpectra Product Range2020-11-21T11:19:21+00:00

SDS smoke exhaust systems. A complete smoke extraction system for one fire zone.

When we use a cable system, i.e. SDS smoke exhaust systems? The Smay Duct Systems (SDS for short) are used in mechanical smoke ventilation installations. They prove to be useful in various spaces within residential and office buildings, e.g. underground garages, escape routes, staircases, hallways, large-scale commercial buildings, shopping arcades and atria in shopping

SDS smoke exhaust systems. A complete smoke extraction system for one fire zone.2020-11-15T20:45:40+00:00

RDR – Constant Volume flow regulator

The flow regulator RDR is an element placed inside the duct in order to obtain a constant flow within a pressure range from 50 to 250 Pascals. It is used in air conditionning or ventilation systems either in extraction or blowing mode. RDR adjustable flow regulators are made from class MI plastic suitable for

RDR – Constant Volume flow regulator2020-11-15T20:45:04+00:00


Z zadovoljstvom in ponosom sporočamo, da smo prenovili spletno stran. Za vas, naše obiskovalce, smo osvežili zunanjo podobo, pohitrili proces iskanja informacij, dodali nekaj novosti in izboljšali uporabniško izkušnjo. Želimo vam prijetno in uporabno raziskovanje. Za vse dodatne informacije nam pišite na ali nas pokličite na 051 415 116. Venting d.o.o.

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